Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Шутка Дня Joke of the Day June 16 2020 from Zoia Eliseyeva English-Russian

Отсутствие некоторых заглавных букв - это не опечатка, а авторский взгляд на вещи.

The absence in my comment of some capital letters is not a misprint, but the expression of my world outlook of today.

My secret reminder:
Ostavleno pod moim irkutskim platyem na trube fasonov on June 16, 2020.

I write my diaries and comments all over the place: on paper all over the house, in documents in all computers, and on line as comments in many different places, like on my profile pages of big platforms, on my site(s), or under my UTube posts. I like to call them (UTube) "creations".

Let them post who posts, I create.

Sometimes, actually quite often, I come up with some kind of a joke (I admit that it may be funnier to me than to others who do not know the context to the deal :D). Then, I feel sorry to lose that joke of the moment and I try to put it under the title "Joke of the Day" (in RUS - Shutka Dnya) some place in hope to collect all these jokes when I might need them.

When I might need them? That's easy to answer! When I want to publish my next RUS book with the subtitle "Stories and Jokes". I have two of them now, under the same title, and under a different title on Russian publishing site, where I joined them two in one book and named it by the name of one of its stories. And this particular edition is miraculously sold on Amazon in Kindle edition. This is now, after Kindle banned me somewhere around the beginning of June 2020. But I am doing good (svet klinom ne sosholsya na kindle) and I have re-edited and republished already four of my titles on another publishing platform.
As RUS saying says: "The one who is destined to be drowned is not going to die being hanged" - something like that.
Oh, these RUS sayings and proverbs!
I use them every day (as all Russians do), and I have dreamt (dreamed) about making a book of them since time immemorial!

Dreams, dreams. oh, your sweetness!

Zoia Eliseyeva on June 16, 2020 on my bigger and older blog that is not forgotten by me

In my signature today - that was the description of my relationships with my blogs. I recently found one of my stories in ENG on Wordpress blog from 9 years ago! I thought it went into oblivion. No it didn't. Nothing does that is published on internet. It was helpful, since I am collecting my ENG stories into one book. I pasted my own story, edited it. I was pleasantly surprised that I actually can edit my own writing of 9 years ago. Not much, but a little bit I could. And I remember that at that time it was checked by a couple of my American friends, since I was sharing that story. We live and we learn, so it's all natural process. Especially for an instructor who still teaches language classes.
And recently I was doing translation of a few historical documents of family history that went back to late eighteen hundreds, and the documents I had to decipher were written by Russian clerks by hand - in tsarist times with that style of writing - with hard signs in the end of the consonant-ending words. The style of writing, the expression,  was archaic too, and sometimes, rarely,  they used words that Russians do not have today. Maybe they were of those places, that geographical location, and definitely belonged to that time - 120 years ago.
What helped me in those translations?
My knowledge of pictures of letter-writing, when they show historic correspondence of people, like between writers and the like, of nineteenth century. That style of hand-writing was changed with Soviets. Soviets eliminated unnecessary hard signs in the end of words. Those were really a burden that did not do anything at all for the correctness of writing.

The long PS! I agree. Non-traditional style: short letters with long PSs. :D

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