Saturday, September 6, 2014



Ла Вентоса - город в штате Оахака на юге Мексики. Ла Вентоса обозначает "Ветреная". Город в испанском языке это существительное женского рода. (ла сьюдад). И вправду очень ветреная эта Вентоса! Вся моя причесочка улетучилась в первые же 15 минут, и пришлось мне щеголять без причесочки, со своими натурально приглаженными сильным ветром волосами. Поэтому на танец меня никто не приглашал. Кому нужен учитель без прически, хоть он и говорит на трех языках? Но в конце концов молодой человек, родственник моей подруги, меня стал приглашать на танцы, причем один за другим. Молодой человек не смотрел на разницу в возрасте и отсутствие прически. Он смотрел на личность иностранного учителя. Она показалась ему освежающе интересной в жарких ветреных климатических условиях тропической Вентосы.

Мои книги и рассказы можно найти на Амазоне и Киндле. Moи русские книги прикрыты английскими обложками, но в описании вы увидите сверху пометку, что книга на русском языке. Причем если вы их купите, то знайте, что вы помогаете безработному учителю, который живет в условиях жестокой дискриминации южной Калифорнии.  Здесь не хотят профессионалов и образованных людей. Особенно после сорока пяти лет. Безработица процветает.  Уровень общего образования довольно низок. Царит Голливуд с его богачами и его фильмами, которые невозможно смотреть, разве что один из пятнадцати выпустят нормальный.

Спасибо за посещение моего канала.

Zoia Sproesser

Amazon/Kindle/Google/FB, etc.

¿Dudas? ¿Preguntas? Mándenlasme por correo electrónico. Gracias´por su interés.

Need English translation of my note? Please ask me via email.  Thank you.


  1. Yes, I have a comment. In Ventosa there was a funny adventure with me, one of those that may happen with us while traveling.
    I traveled recently to Tokyo, Japan, and to Puerto Rico, but no more funny adventures. Que lastima. It's a shame! Ha-ha-ha. :D

  2. "Смейся, паяц, над разбитой любовью!" - пропела она с пафосом громким, надрывным, странным, не ЮТьюбным голосом.
    Ура! Ура! Ура!
    Цум гебуртстаг унд филь глюк!
    Как бы "с веселыми глюками", говорят немцы.

  3. I just reread my comment of September 2014, that I found very educational to myself!
    Well, it has passed 5 years and I am well due for updates!
    My last name changed to Eliseyeva from 2nd marriage's Sproesser in December 2014.
    After December 2014 I republished a few, about 10 probably, of my most important (for me and society) books with Zoia Eliseyeva.
    I stopped being unemployed approximately in Fall 2016. Since then I had some teaching jobs in AZ and CA, here and there.
    I am happy when I have my teaching work because I can afford things. Without work I would have to stay home watering plants, reading books and engaging in other low cost or free activities. So, the burning desire of any normal person is to stretch the period of professional activity and usefulness for people as long as possible.
    Дерзай, Зая! My childhood friend called me Zaya - from Zaychik - a little rabbit in Russian language.

  4. This is a comment on comment Number 2 dated October 17, 2019.
    I republished my books that first was published with my ast name during the marriage. After December 2014 I started republishing my books with my current last name - Eliseyeva. So, part od my books, which I found worthy of this work - republishing - have 2 editions: an older edition with Zoia Sproesser, and the newer edition with Zoia Eliseyeva as author. That part of books that was republished, probably about 10 books - I tried to close their titles with the previous name on the cover. However, as I already mentioned in my comments about Amazon publishing: the author may close the title, but that title, once released, will be traveling the internet forever. It is OK, when the re-editions are the same books. However, one of my books is bigger after the re-edition, I added more chapters (Three Men in the Boat, based on Jerome K. Jerome - English-Russian book). I wish that this book's old edition disappeared entirely, because it's shorter and worse that re-edition. March 22, 2020 California, USA

    1. No re-editing button, so now I have to comment on every single misprint of the comment March 22, 2020.
      1st sentence:
      ....that first were published (plural is correct)
      3rd LINE:
      ...part of my books (a mechanical misprint, typing in the darkness)
      ---has 2 editions (agreement subject-verb)
      ...worse than (a mechanical misprint)
      Sorry for misprints!
      They are never intentional.

  5. My comment on my Comment of September 6, 2014.

    Well, from the top of the present day, looking back, that for me is like looking down, literally, and almost physically. Well, physically it is in agreement with religious people, too. :D
    So, looking back at my thoughts and facts of life almost 6 years ago - I am in a better shape now. Working for the last 4 years almost. Even if I lose my current work, I may have other back ups. Even if I am stripped of all back ups by uncontrollable circumstances as the one that the world is experiencing at present, I will still remain on the surface. The email address that is shown 6 years ago - it is the part of my personal history. That address was the address of the consignment fashion store that I had from May 2013 to May 2014.
    Being on that note, I want to express my sorry to all the owners of small businesses who will have to close now. I have been through this kind of worries and I wish to those owners less pain in their recovery.
    As for my contact email address - I can be found on my UTube, my FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, VK, and contacted from there. My personal email address flashes here in there on internet, and it is in each of my books, too.
    It is exposed too much, so I am not showing it in my comments, trying to have at least some kind of control over the solicitations and spam that comes to my email.
    Who reads these comments?
    Probably not many. However, an occasional curios individual can visit my sites and my blogs, reading occasional comments that I throw around here and there.
    Thank you, all visitors, for reading my comments!
    I wish you all the best, and want to complement you for your investigating natural curiosity, because my comments are really scattered all over the place. They have become like diary pieces since they have been written in different time, and, possibly, from different physical location. What a good habit always put time and location! Sometimes, reading an article on Internet, it takes time to find out who, what, when and where.
    I have to end here because I have other thoughts, which I wanted to share, but the time of the day is limited.

    March 22, 2020 CA, USA
